Four Simple Tips to Improve Your Sales Performance

Four Trending Changes to the Selling Paradigm and Why YOU Should Take Notice

Meet Ira Bowman, an entrepreneur with an extensive business sales and marketing background. Ira is a professional photographer, graphic designer, best-selling author, 2x TEDx Speaker, philanthropist, and the owner of a digital marketing company that helps small and medium business owners increase sales by driving website traffic to their websites from Google and social media. Ira is the father of eight children, married to the love of his life and currently resides just outside of Los Angeles in Southern California.

Meet Ira Bowman, an entrepreneur with an extensive business sales and marketing background. Ira is a professional photographer, graphic designer, best-selling author, 2x TEDx Speaker, philanthropist, and the owner of a digital marketing company that helps small and medium business owners increase sales by driving website traffic to their websites from Google and social media. Ira is the father of eight children, married to the love of his life and currently resides just outside of Los Angeles in Southern California.

Are you looking to step up your sales performance? If you aren’t, stop reading.  Seriously, who doesn’t want to win more deals?  Even seasoned sales professionals are looking for ways to help reach their ever-growing monthly, quarterly, and yearly quota. The business world continues to evolve, so we must adapt or chance being left behind.  Want some help?  Get ready to sharpen your skills as I take you through a quick but insightful journey of how to improve your game.  You will thank me later. 

Icebreakers and Rapport Building

First, you simply can’t rush to get to home plate.  To score, you need to slow your roll just a bit.  I know the time is ticking and you need sales now.  We all do.  To get better results, you need to take a moment and get to know your prospect.  You’ve heard, “they don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” before right?  This is paramount to successful selling in our world today.  Sensitivity and perceived disrespect are at the high end of the proverbial pendulum.  To avoid getting caught in a firewall and rejected before you really start.  You need to do business “flirting” by getting the client or potential client talking about themselves.  Find out what makes them tick.  You can use that later as you try and close the sale.  If you want some pointers, check their social media profiles before you meet with them.  You can find out what they like and work it into the conversation to help keep them engaged.  You can sometimes learn what upsets them too to avoid landmines.  Use every thing you can to build up your relationship.  Be authentic, remember to smile and don’t talk too much.

Winning the Conversation Game by Talking Less

If you are like me and you love to talk, get a friend.  If you want to win more deals, just ask questions and learn to let your audience do the talking.  Only talk after they stop for more than ten seconds.  When you open your mouth, ask another question.  Use open ended questions to get as much from them as you can.  Sure you need to be mindful of the clock, but if you talk more in the conversation than they do, you have lost.  Learn to win by shutting up.  Try this in your next meeting and you’ll see the beautiful genius of this strategy.  Winning is easy when you realize everyone’s favorite topic is themselves.  This will help you with rapport building and give you insight on how to help them too.

Benefits to The Potential Client Make the Difference

After you’ve broken the ice and figured out how to help, when it’s time to speak using sentences…focus on benefits.  Don’t discuss features, don’t talk about specifications.  No, not at all.  I know this goes against so many previous proven strategies.  Times have changed and your clients are not interested in features like they once were.  Want to win more deals?  Simply tell the person across the table looking at you how you’re going to help them, now that you’ve listened to them, benefit by doing business with you.  You are not all that interesting and either is your product or service.  You might love it.  I don’t mean to be rude, but most people could not care less.  They do care how you can help them.  Share that and they will ask you where to sign.  Try it.  It works! 

Show The Win-Win to Close the Sale

Breaking the ice, building rapport and focusing on benefits that target the specific need of your new customer are vital in a winning sales strategy.  You won’t win, until you show them how to win.  Do you lose a lot of deals to competitors?  I bet they are not even as good at what you do as you are right?  They win where you fail because they have a better value proposition strategy than you do.  So fix it.  Share with them how they will win.  Show them the #winwin in what you are offering.  Clients don’t want to be sold.  Clients want to buy things that help them!  Build excitement, add value, show them how you will help them get what they want.  Too simple?  No, it’s actually simply brilliant.  Apply these techniques and close more deals! Make sure to follow Bowman Digital Media‘s Blog for more help in increasing your future sales.

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