Mastering Hashtag Use for Social Media Success

Mastering Hashtag Use for Social Media Success

Meet Ira Bowman, an entrepreneur with an extensive business sales and marketing background. Ira is a professional photographer, graphic designer, best-selling author, 2x TEDx Speaker, philanthropist, and the owner of a digital marketing company that helps small and medium business owners increase sales by driving website traffic to their websites from Google and social media. Ira is the father of eight children, married to the love of his life and currently resides just outside of Los Angeles in Southern California.

Meet Ira Bowman, an entrepreneur with an extensive business sales and marketing background. Ira is a professional photographer, graphic designer, best-selling author, 2x TEDx Speaker, philanthropist, and the owner of a digital marketing company that helps small and medium business owners increase sales by driving website traffic to their websites from Google and social media. Ira is the father of eight children, married to the love of his life and currently resides just outside of Los Angeles in Southern California.

Hashtags: Your Secret Weapon for Social Media Success

Hashtags can be your new secret weapon for success on most social media platforms, with the right strategy and usage. Are you wondering how?  Using the right ones can bring people to your content and increase your overall visibility, widening your audience.  Hashtags aka the pound sign (#) confuse most novice users and most seasoned social media users have not learned how to maximize their usage. Make no mistake, however, when someone uses the right hashtags, they become an integral part of social media strategy success.

Part of the confusion lies in their usage works a bit differently depending on the individual platform, which we cover in detail further in the article.  Hashtags are individual or strings of words without spaces proceeded by the # symbol.  But beyond being a trendy linguistic quirk, they are a powerful tool for businesses and individuals alike to increase visibility, engage with audiences, and drive growth.

Crash Course to Boost Success

In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of hashtags, exploring how they work, why they matter, and most importantly, how to use them effectively to achieve your social media goals. From understanding your target audience to tracking performance, we’ll cover everything you need to know to master the art of their use.

How do they help?  Social Media algorithms reward engagement, by putting the content out in front of more people, but most don’t realize that content is released in stages, first to a small segment of users and depending on how it performs, more and more.  Hashtags can help content be seen by more people, helping analytic performance do well.  After content has finished its natural algorithm lifecycle, content can find extended life when they are used.

Are you feeling lost already?  Don’t worry, whether you’re a seasoned social media pro or just starting out, we are here to help you understand and get more from your social media strategy.  So get ready to unlock your full potential and take your online presence to new heights as you continue to read on.

Success Starts With Understanding Your Target Audience

Before diving into the world of hashtags, it’s crucial to have a clear picture of who you’re trying to reach.  You want to consider any one or more of the demographic considerations such as age, gender, education level, marital status, etc. Why?  To help ensure your content is being seen by people who will ultimately resonate with your content.  Being seen by people who don’t like or respond to your content will not help you nearly as much as if you’re discovered by those in the audience who are interested in what your posts talk about.

Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Who is your target audience? Pinpointing your ideal customer is the foundation of any successful marketing strategy. Consider their demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points. Creating detailed customer personas can help bring your ideal customer to life.

Researching Relevant Hashtags

Once you know your target audience, it’s time to discover the hashtags they’re using. Start by brainstorming relevant keywords and phrases related to your industry, products, or services. Explore popular social media platforms to see what hashtags are trending in your niche. The best hashtags to use have established followings already, but not in the millions.  Why?  You have a much better chance of being seen if there are not too many people already using that hashtag. 

The algorithm still comes into play with hashtag content.  If you use a hashtag with no following, the odds are it will not be seen at all.  The same is true if there are millions of people already using the hashtag as the social media platform will have too many options on what to choose from with extremely high-use hashtags. 

For this reason, it is best to use hashtags that have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of followers.  You have a good shot of your content being shown when people search on any given platform by minimizing the competition factor with larger options.

Using Hashtag Analytics Tools

To gain deeper insights into hashtag performance, leverage hashtag analytics tools. These tools provide valuable data on hashtag popularity, reach, and engagement. By understanding which hashtags resonate best with your audience, you can optimize your hashtag strategy for maximum impact.  A handy tool for both free or paid use is found by using the app, hashtagify, created for Instagram.  Here are some alternative options sorted by free or paid use.

Search Tools: Free Options

RiteTag: Offers real-time suggestions and color-coded hashtag analysis based on popularity and sentiment. Provides hashtag suggestions, search, and popularity metrics.  All Hashtag: Offers a simple interface for searching and exploring hashtags.

Search Tools: Paid Options

Brand24: Primarily a social media listening tool, but also offers hashtag tracking and analysis features.   Sprout Social: A comprehensive social media management platform with hashtag analysis capabilities.   Hootsuite: Another popular social media management tool with hashtag tracking and suggestion features.  

Creating Effective Hashtags

Hashtags are more than just random words with a pound sign. They’re strategic tools for expanding your reach and engaging your audience.

Developing Branded Optioins

A branded hashtag is a unique identifier that represents your brand. It’s essential for building a strong online community and encouraging user-generated content. If you make it memorable, relevant to your brand, and easy to spell.

Example: A coffee shop might use #[coffeebrandname]love or #[coffeebrandname]moments.

Creating Engaging and Relevant Options

Create something directly related to your content and that will resonate with your target audience. They should spark interest and encourage users to click through to your post.

Use descriptive language: Clearly convey the topic of your post.

Incorporate keywords: Optimize to help search engines put your content forward by including relevant keywords.

Consider current trends: Stay up-to-date with popular trends to increase visibility.

Example: A fashion blog post about sustainable clothing could use tags like #sustainablefashion, #ecofriendlystyle, or #ethicalfashion.

Keeping Hashtags Concise and Easy to Remember

Short and sweet hashtags are more likely to be used by others. Avoid creating overly long or complex tags that are difficult to type or recall.

Limit characters: Most platforms have character limits that you need to be aware of and stay below.

Use abbreviations: If necessary, use common abbreviations to shorten your overall length.

Test different options: Experiment with different word combinations to find the best fit.

Example: Instead of #sustainablefashionforconsciousconsumers, use #sustainablestyle.

Best Practices for Hashtag Use

To maximize the impact and get more views, follow these best practices:

Optimal Number of Hashtags Per Post

While it might be tempting to stuff as many hashtags into your post as possible, less is often more. Overusing them can come across as spammy and deter users. The ideal number varies by platform, but generally, a handful of relevant tags, say 3 to 7 is sufficient.

Where to Place Them in Your Content

The optimal placement of hashtags depends on the platform. Some platforms, like Instagram, allow you to add tags in the caption, comments, or even as a sticker. Experiment to see what works best for your audience.

Using a Mix of General and Niche Options

A balanced mix of general and niche tags can help you reach a wider audience. General hashtags have a broader reach but may also have higher competition as we discussed above. Niche options target a specific audience but may have lower visibility.  Avoid using tags with millions of followers because your odds of being seen by those searching for that content are very small, especially if you have a low follower count.  As your account size grows, you can win more of the large higher-use search battles.

Staying Up-to-Date with Trending Hashtags

Keep an eye on trending hashtags related to your industry or niche. Incorporating relevant trending tags can increase your post’s visibility and reach a new audience. However, it’s essential to ensure that the trend aligns with your brand and message.

Hashtag Strategies for Different Platforms

Optimal usage varies significantly across different social media platforms. To help, below is a general set of guidelines to help improve your overall performance.

Use on Instagram

Optimal number: Instagram allows up to 30 in all, but using around 5-10 relevant ones is generally the most effective.

Placement: Traditionally, placing hashtags in the first comment after posting has been a popular strategy. However, recent algorithm changes suggest that using them in the caption might work better.

Focus: Instagram is highly visual, so use tags that describe the image or video content.

Utilize: Instagram’s hashtag suggestions and explore relevant hashtags within your niche.

Use on X formerly known as Twitter

Optimal number: Twitter allows up to two hashtags per tweet, but using one is often sufficient.

Placement: Hashtags can be placed anywhere in the tweet, but the beginning or end is common.

Focus: Twitter is fast-paced, so use concise and impactful hashtags.

Leverage: Twitter trends to join relevant conversations and increase visibility.

Use on Facebook

Optimal number: While Facebook allows hashtags, they’re not as crucial as on other platforms. Using 1-2 relevant hashtags is sufficient.

Placement: Hashtags can be used anywhere in the post, but they’re often less prominent.

Focus: Facebook is more about engagement and community, so focus on building relationships rather than relying heavily on hashtags.  On Facebook can give you an extra boost, but minimal compared to other platforms.  You might find joining relevant groups and posting your content in the groups a better use of time.

Use on TikTok

Optimal number: TikTok allows multiple hashtags, and using a combination of popular and niche hashtags can be effective.  Again we recommend 5-10 total.

Placement: Include hashtags in your caption or as on-screen text within your video.

Focus: TikTok is all about trends and challenges, so participate in relevant challenges to boost visibility.

Utilize: TikTok’s discovery page to find popular and trending options in your niche.

Use on LinkedIn

Optimal number: LinkedIn is less hashtag-centric, but using 1-5 relevant tags can still be beneficial.

Placement: Include hashtags in your post not in the comments. Why?  LinkedIn doesn’t show comments in its search results as a general rule.

Focus: Use industry-related and professional tags to reach your target audience.

Consider: LinkedIn’s focus on professional networking and thought leadership when selecting hashtags.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and the best strategy will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and the content you’re sharing. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you.

Measuring Hashtag Performance

Monitor how your audience interacts with your content by tracking key metrics such as:

Likes: How many people liked your post?

Comments: What are people saying about your content?

Shares: How often is your content being shared?

Saves: Are people saving your content for later?

Impressions: How many times has your post been seen?

Reach: How many unique users saw your post?

Analyzing Hashtag Analytics

Most social media platforms offer built-in analytics tools to help you understand hashtag performance. Look for insights into:

Hashtag reach: How many people are seeing your content because of the options you are using?

Engagement rate: How engaged is your audience with your content?

Top-performing hashtags: Which ones are driving the most engagement?

Audience demographics: Are you reaching the right audience?

Competitor analysis: How do your hashtag metrics compare to competitors?

Optimizing Your Overall Strategy

Use the insights gained from your analysis to refine your overall strategy:

Prioritize high-performing hashtags: Focus on any word or group of words that consistently drive engagement.

Test new options: Experiment with different versions to find what works best.

Adjust frequency: Increase or decrease the frequency of use based on performance.

Stay updated: Keep an eye on emerging trends and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Monitor competitors: Analyze your competitors’ social media posts, to see what they are using to identify new opportunities.

By regularly tracking and analyzing your performance, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your social media results.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to make mistakes when using hashtags. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:


Too many hashtags can make your post look spammy and deter users. Focus on quality over quantity. Choose a few relevant options that accurately describe your content.

Using Irrelevant Hashtags

Stuffing your posts with unrelated hashtags won’t help you reach your target audience. Only use ones that are directly relevant to your content and brand.

Staying up-to-date with trending hashtags can help you reach a wider audience. However, it’s essential to ensure that the trend aligns with your brand and message.

Not Tracking Performance

Without tracking your hashtag performance, it’s difficult to measure success or identify areas for improvement. Regularly analyze your data to optimize your strategy.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can harness the power of hashtags to elevate your social media marketing efforts.

Hashtags are Powerful Tools

Hashtags are undeniably powerful tools for boosting your social media presence. By understanding your target audience, and implementing a strategic approach, you can significantly increase your visibility, engagement, and overall success.

Remember, the key to mastery lies in consistency and experimentation. Continuously track your performance, analyze your results, and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with all of this. With a little effort and dedication, you can unlock the full potential of these tiny but mighty characters.

So, what are you waiting for? Start incorporating your new social media strategy today and watch your online presence soar! If you’re looking for help managing your business social media accounts, so you can focus on what you do best, we can help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Ira Bowman via our contact form for a free 30-minute consultation.

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