Corporate, Family and Lifestyle

Beyond Physical Matter

Cast and Production Team Photo

Beyond Physical Matter Premiere
Is there something beyond the physical senses that is the root cause of all physical matter? Have we been looking in all the wrong places to find the answers and solutions to how life works, to find what is the causative force behind health, healing and longevity? Join us for this fast pace, cinematic documentary with host Don Boyer, who once again with his team, travels around the world to discover what lies beyond physical matter. All photos presented here were taken and are owned by Ira Bowman, and all rights are reserved.

For Hire
Do you need an event photographer for your upcoming sports or business event? If so, consider hiring Ira Bowman. Event shoots include rights to print photos and use for both social media and traditional media needs. Free travel inside Southern California, otherwise client pays for travel as needed.
Gallery of the Premiere Event
Click on individual photos to see full shot as preview clips off portions of vertical shots. Feel free to save and share the photos on social media with your family and friends, but please always give me photo credit and tag this event page so people know I took the photos. Thank you!